Saturday, June 11, 2016

Trade: Goods & Ideas on the Move

In the second wave of civilization, we focused on how agriculture settled humans and led to specialization and civilizations. As we move to the third wave of civilizations, we see how trade and the exchange of ideas began to intermingle different cultures. This was accomplished through different trade routes including the Silk Road, the Sand Route, and the Indian Ocean Sea Route. 

Not only did humans of this time exchange goods, but they also exchanged ideas, religion and even disease. We often think of modern globalization as a recent phenomena but we are reminded during this Chapter that the byproducts of trade have been occurring for millennia. The only difference is the rate of acceleration with how goods and ideas are exchanged. We can also make the comparison that land and see have been exchanged with air and digital technology. 

I also thought it was interesting to see how people have always been suspicious of trade. In Chapter 7, Strayer talked about how traders were seen as suspicious characters. There has and perhaps always will be an element of suspicion due to underlying competition. In our modern times, we see how trade has an inherent element of competition by focusing on who is getting the better deal. Donald Trump has talked about how previous trade deals have hurt certain groups in America and benefited other countries like China and Mexico.

Another thought I had while reviewing Chapter 7, was the symbiotic relationship between trade and transportation. I wondered which led which. Did new forms of transportation lead to trade or did trade drive the development of new transportation?

I thought it was interesting that the author left us with the thought that things are beginning to equalize through trade. It does make you wonder if we will be able to set aside our competitive need for power and resources and allow other countries to participate in sharing wealth. 

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