Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Fundamentally, religions are basically alike...

It is very fascinating to read in Chapter 4 that religions emerged around the same time. It is also very interesting to reflect on the affect that religion has had on the world. As the text book states, "those traditions are the most enduring legacies that second-wave civilizations have bequeathed to the modern world". [WW Pg 166]

Religion tried to answer the following questions:

What is the purpose of life?
How should human society be ordered?
What is the relationship between human life in this world and the moral or spiritual realms that lie beyond?

It was interesting to read how almost all of the religions encouraged hierarchy and gender inequality. 

I thought it was also interesting that Christianity [out off all the major religions] was plagued with internal conflict. I think division is a very interesting characteristic of religion. I think it highlights the human condition to be free to make your decisions. 

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